What Ifs

Life is full of choice, therefore life is full of what-ifs.
What if i don't do that? What if i do that?
It's all in your head.
The irony is, even if we're thinking about all the what-ifs, you can't undo what you had decide.
Sure, it's needed to reflect on your what-ifs in a good amount.
It helped you evaluate your decision, and it helped you grow as a person.
But too much what-ifs could make you regretting things or even hate yourself for the imaginary thought of it.
Heck, how come we know these what-ifs are going to be better than our reality?
Could we just be our own bestfriend, be kind, and forgive ourselves?
Cause in the end, every mistake you make, every decision you take, is what makes you who you are.

Let's not have it any other way.


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