
Showing posts from October, 2018

Hypocritical Growing?

Changes. That's one thing for sure that will always happen on this planet. As we growing up, certain aspects in our life is changing as well. Your body, your voice and even your mind is developing. But now, if we are changing for the better, to be a rational adult, how could a change of thought easily judged by being hypocrite? We all might have not really agreed upon something, talk to our friends about it, and in the end we do that thing. Doesn't people will see you as a hypocrite? But how it is a hypocrite, if what we do is actually a higher route from our place before? Let's say we said we won't be friends with liar or envious people. But one day, when you know your closest friend is one of those thing, you try to forgive, accept and still befriend with them despite that was your biggest pet peeve. Can you say it's a hypocritical thing to do? Well, one thing Good Place serie has taught me: what matters the most is people's intention. I think i...

Major Changes for the Minor

It's safe to say that i'm a minority. If you know me, you won't even have any doubt about it. The only majority thing around my perk is my college major (accounting, am i right?). I've been born and raised with people from the same background and that made me not feel anything about it. Until one day, in my past office, all of my coworkers talking about registering themselves to.... let's called it a "thing". And i've been told and believe that with my perks, it would be impossible to be accepted on that "thing". My friends react kinda impulsive about it and that makes me realize something... I have been bullied by strangers on the street when i was a kid just because i looked different from them. No kidding, i've been thrown by little rocks on the street. I've been received some strange unwelcome gaze, and i just realized when i was a kid, there are lack of representation that resonance with how i look on the tv. and the fac...

Adult's Lining Playbook

RS. if you have either a box called television or a network called internet, you must at least have heard her name. all the meme and all the breaking news are all about her nowadays. but right now i won't write about her case because lord knows i don't really read news. while lurking on internet, one thing i realize from this case is how often people associate one adult's doing with their family or friends or whoever they close to (plot twist much?) in this day and age of social media, we questioning someone's (even adult) doing on their relative's social media. i mean, aren't the rules of being an adult is you have to be responsible for your own action? either you called it a bless or a cursed. being an adult makes people expect you to have enough knowledge and experience to do what's best for you and people. being adult makes people expect you to know what's right and what's wrong. even when i found myself struggling on adulting, that's the har...